

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Chemical Reviews Chem Rev 0009-2665 219 63.5021 50.8010 51.4000
ACS Energy Letters Acs Energy Lett 2380-8195 527 20.7991 18.5003 19.3006
Clinical Microbiology Reviews Clin Microbiol Rev 0893-8512 24 33.7985 19.0000 19.0000
Accounts of Chemical Research Accounts Chem Res 0001-4842 308 20.1992 16.3001 16.4006
ACS Nano Acs Nano 1936-0851 2049 16.2000 15.1995 15.8000
Journal of the American Chemical Society J Am Chem Soc 0002-7863 2958 14.8000 13.3999 14.4003
Accounts of Materials Research Accounts Mater Res 2643-6728 77 14.1006 13.9002 13.9993
ACS Central Science Acs Central Sci 2374-7943 204 15.8000 12.4002 12.6999
Seminars in Cancer Biology Semin Cancer Biol 1044-579X 83 13.1995 11.7994 12.1005
Journal of Economic Literature J Econ Lit 0022-0515 35 14.9998 11.3997 11.5003
ACS Catalysis Acs Catal 2155-5435 1470 12.6005 10.7004 11.2997
Environmental Science & Technology Environ Sci Technol 0013-936X 1979 11.6000 9.7004 10.7997
American Economic Review Am Econ Rev 0002-8282 93 15.2992 10.3005 10.5006
Nano Letters Nano Lett 1530-6984 1539 10.1001 9.2003 9.5998
ACS Materials Letters Acs Mater Lett 2639-4979 385 10.2000 9.4006 9.5998
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science J Colloid Interf Sci 0021-9797 2193 8.1996 8.6999 9.4006
Ccs Chemistry Ccs Chem 275 9.2994 8.9006 9.4006
Pharmacological Research Pharmacol Res 1043-6618 329 9.0002 8.9006 9.1005
Environmental Science & Technology Letters Environ Sci Tech Let 2328-8930 155 9.8996 8.6000 8.9006
Brain Behavior and Immunity Brain Behav Immun 0889-1591 263 9.8003 8.4997 8.8005
Jacs Au Jacs Au 2691-3704 331 8.4997 8.3001 8.4997
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Acs Appl Mater Inter 1944-8244 5439 8.6999 7.8996 8.3001
ACS Sensors Acs Sensors 2379-3694 485 8.4001 7.7002 8.1996
American Economic Review-Insights Am Econ Rev Insights 2640-205X 34 8.3001 8.0000 8.1000
Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews Microbiol Mol Biol R 1092-2172 26 11.9996 7.8996 8.0000
Journal of Environmental Management J Environ Manage 0301-4797 2546 7.8996 7.6001 8.0000
Journal of Autoimmunity J Autoimmun 0896-8411 113 8.6999 7.8001 7.8996
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing Mech Syst Signal Pr 0888-3270 932 8.0000 6.7996 7.8996
Environmental Research Environ Res 0013-9351 2483 7.4996 7.2002 7.7002
Journal of Network and Computer Applications J Netw Comput Appl 1084-8045 155 6.7996 7.3003 7.7002
Seminars in Immunology Semin Immunol 1044-5323 90 9.9995 7.3003 7.4001
Finance Research Letters Financ Res Lett 1544-6123 1236 7.6001 6.3996 7.4001
ACS Es&t Engineering Acs Est Eng 2690-0645 214 7.4001 6.9997 7.4001
Chemistry of Materials Chem Mater 0897-4756 982 8.4001 6.7996 7.2002
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering Acs Sustain Chem Eng 2168-0485 1665 7.8996 6.7000 7.1000
Journal of Economic Perspectives J Econ Perspect 0895-3309 39 13.0992 6.7996 6.9002
Metabolic Engineering Metab Eng 1096-7176 126 7.6001 6.3996 6.7996
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry J Med Chem 0022-2623 922 7.1000 6.1004 6.7996
Analytical Chemistry Anal Chem 0003-2700 2203 6.5005 5.8000 6.7000
Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology Front Neuroendocrin 0091-3022 36 8.1000 6.2001 6.5005
Journal of Catalysis J Catal 0021-9517 380 6.9997 6.2001 6.5005
ACS Photonics Acs Photonics 2330-4022 467 6.6002 6.2001 6.5005
American Economic Journal-Macroeconomics Am Econ J-Macroecon 1945-7707 55 6.9997 6.1004 6.2998
Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology Semin Cell Dev Biol 1084-9521 170 6.9002 6.1004 6.2001
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety Ecotox Environ Safe 0147-6513 1353 6.2998 5.9003 6.2001
Journal of Clinical Microbiology J Clin Microbiol 0095-1137 189 5.8000 5.8000 6.1004
Journal of Environmental Psychology J Environ Psychol 0272-4944 201 7.4001 5.3999 6.1004
Developmental Review Dev Rev 0273-2297 17 8.9006 5.5999 5.6998
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation J Chem Theory Comput 1549-9618 760 5.9003 4.6000 5.6998
Journal of Urban Economics J Urban Econ 0094-1190 54 5.9003 5.5002 5.6998

