

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Nature Medicine Nat Med 1078-8956 295 59.2004 58.1000 58.7006
Chemical Reviews Chem Rev 0009-2665 219 63.5021 50.8010 51.4000
Cell Cell 0092-8674 332 48.9998 45.0003 45.4993
Nature Catalysis Nat Catal 2520-1158 106 46.9990 42.3990 42.8015
Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy Signal Transduct Tar 2095-9907 272 40.4985 40.3007 40.8000
Chemical Society Reviews Chem Soc Rev 0306-0012 250 48.1015 39.9000 40.3995
Joule Joule 2542-4351 155 44.7994 38.0008 38.6008
Nature Reviews Chemistry Nat Rev Chem 2397-3358 51 39.5995 38.0008 38.0993
Nature Materials Nat Mater 1476-1122 167 43.9982 36.8994 37.1995
Energy & Environmental Science Energ Environ Sci 1754-5692 481 34.4995 31.3005 32.4007
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science Prog Energ Combust 0360-1285 29 36.7998 31.6985 31.9999
Electrochemical Energy Reviews Electrochem Energy R 2520-8489 32 30.1005 28.1999 28.4005
Molecular Cancer Mol Cancer 1476-4598 165 31.3005 27.1000 27.6999
Advanced Materials Adv Mater 0935-9648 2889 30.1994 25.9002 27.3988
Progress in Polymer Science Prog Polym Sci 0079-6700 50 29.5008 25.7011 26.0001
Reviews of Geophysics Rev Geophys 8755-1209 18 32.5015 25.0997 25.2001
Advanced Energy Materials Adv Energy Mater 1614-6832 972 27.2003 23.3005 24.3991
Energychem Energychem 2589-7780 18 25.3992 21.9003 22.1999
Coordination Chemistry Reviews Coordin Chem Rev 0010-8545 432 19.9003 19.4999 20.2995
Carbon Energy Carbon Energy 2637-9368 111 19.9003 18.3997 19.4999
ACS Energy Letters Acs Energy Lett 2380-8195 527 20.7991 18.5003 19.3006
Nature Chemistry Nat Chem 1755-4330 183 21.9991 19.0000 19.1993
Chem Chem-Us 2451-9294 204 23.8009 18.8997 19.1005
Energy Storage Materials Energy Storage Mater 2405-8297 502 18.3997 17.9991 18.8997
Susmat Susmat 2766-8479 59 18.7004 17.9004 18.7004
Advanced Functional Materials Adv Funct Mater 1616-301X 3523 19.6000 17.4002 18.5003
Molecular Plant Mol Plant 1674-2052 100 21.3993 16.4996 17.0997
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Computational Molecular Science Wires Comput Mol Sci 1759-0876 36 19.9996 16.7007 16.8008
Nano Energy Nano Energy 2211-2855 910 16.3001 15.8000 16.8008
Nucleic Acids Research Nucleic Acids Res 0305-1048 1208 16.1004 15.9004 16.6009
Accounts of Chemical Research Accounts Chem Res 0001-4842 308 20.1992 16.3001 16.4006
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine Ieee Geosc Rem Sen M 2473-2397 28 15.6006 15.9004 16.2000
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition Angew Chem Int Edit 1433-7851 4047 16.2000 14.8000 16.1004
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science Adv Colloid Interfac 0001-8686 142 16.4006 15.7001 15.9004
ACS Nano Acs Nano 1936-0851 2049 16.2000 15.1995 15.8000
Chinese Journal of Catalysis Chinese J Catal 0253-9837 193 11.5003 14.8000 15.7001
Smartmat Smartmat 2766-8525 71 15.8000 14.7007 15.2992
Environmental Chemistry Letters Environ Chem Lett 1610-3653 123 15.1004 14.2006 14.9998
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B Acta Pharm Sin B 2211-3835 300 14.1006 13.9002 14.7007
Molecular Cell Mol Cell 1097-2765 279 16.6009 13.9002 14.5000
Journal of the American Chemical Society J Am Chem Soc 0002-7863 2958 14.8000 13.3999 14.4003
Annual Review of Marine Science Annu Rev Mar Sci 1941-1405 21 15.4997 14.2006 14.2994
Advanced Science Adv Sci 2198-3844 2193 16.3001 13.9002 14.2994
Progress in Lipid Research Prog Lipid Res 0163-7827 28 15.7001 13.7998 13.9993
Trends in Microbiology Trends Microbiol 0966-842X 77 17.0004 13.9002 13.9993
Journal of Energy Chemistry J Energy Chem 2095-4956 694 12.3008 12.2004 13.9993
Trends in Chemistry Trends Chem 2589-5974 59 17.7000 13.9002 13.9993
Accounts of Materials Research Accounts Mater Res 2643-6728 77 14.1006 13.9002 13.9993
Small Structures Small Struct 2688-4062 215 13.7000 13.6006 13.9002
Aggregate Aggregate 2692-4560 138 14.8996 13.0992 13.9002

