

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
European Review of Social Psychology Eur Rev Soc Psychol 1046-3283 12 9.8996 9.9995 10.1001
Journal of Health and Social Behavior J Health Soc Behav 0022-1465 43 7.2002 5.9003 6.2998
Social Psychological and Personality Science Soc Psychol Pers Sci 1948-5506 83 4.8003 4.1998 4.2997
Political Psychology Polit Psychol 0162-895X 60 5.2999 3.9003 4.0000
European Journal of Personality Eur J Personality 0890-2070 42 5.3999 3.1000 3.5999
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin Pers Soc Psychol B 0146-1672 150 4.5003 3.3000 3.4000
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Organ Behav Hum Dec 0749-5978 27 5.9003 3.1000 3.4000
Child Abuse & Neglect Child Abuse Neglect 0145-2134 350 4.6000 2.8997 3.4000
Journal of Personality J Pers 0022-3506 110 4.6000 2.8997 3.1999
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology J Exp Soc Psychol 0022-1031 92 4.0998 3.1000 3.1999
British Journal of Social Psychology Brit J Soc Psychol 0144-6665 90 4.3997 2.9997 3.1999
Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology Cult Divers Ethn Min 1099-9809 55 3.8001 3.1000 3.1999
European Journal of Social Psychology Eur J Soc Psychol 0046-2772 85 3.8001 2.7001 2.8002
Journal of Research in Personality J Res Pers 0092-6566 68 3.4000 2.6002 2.6002
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education J Divers High Educ 1938-8926 75 3.1000 2.2000 2.5000
Law and Human Behavior Law Human Behav 0147-7307 43 3.1000 2.1001 2.4002
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology [更名/剔除] Adv Exp Soc Psychol 0065-2601 10 11.5708 6.7888 7.2631

