

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules Int J Biol Macromol 0141-8130 5471 7.7002 6.3996 7.7002
Polymer Degradation and Stability Polym Degrad Stabil 0141-3910 300 5.9003 5.6998 6.2998
European Polymer Journal Eur Polym J 0014-3057 700 5.2999 5.2002 5.8000
Polymer Testing Polym Test 0142-9418 315 4.7003 4.8003 5.0002
Gels Gels-Basel 2310-2861 967 4.9000 4.1998 5.0002
Cellulose Cellulose 0969-0239 653 5.2999 4.5003 4.9000
Polymer Composites Polym Composite 0272-8397 825 3.9003 3.3000 4.8003
Journal of Polymers and the Environment J Polym Environ 1566-2543 392 4.6000 4.5003 4.7003
Polymers Polymers-Basel 2073-4360 4686 4.9000 4.1998 4.7003
Reactive & Functional Polymers React Funct Polym 1381-5148 225 4.0998 4.3997 4.5003
Macromolecular Bioscience Macromol Biosci 1616-5187 274 5.0002 4.1998 4.3997
ACS Applied Polymer Materials Acs Appl Polym Mater 2637-6105 1025 4.7003 4.1998 4.3997
Macromolecular Rapid Communications Macromol Rapid Comm 1022-1336 319 4.5003 4.0000 4.1998
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering Macromol Mater Eng 1438-7492 186 4.0998 4.0998 4.1998
Polymer Polymer 0032-3861 750 3.9003 3.9003 4.0998
Chinese Journal of Polymer Science Chinese J Polym Sci 0256-7679 163 3.3000 3.8001 4.0998
Polymer Chemistry Polym Chem-Uk 1759-9954 457 4.1998 3.8001 4.0998
Membranes Membranes-Basel 2077-0375 896 3.5999 2.8997 3.3000
Polymers for Advanced Technologies Polym Advan Technol 1042-7147 285 3.3000 2.9997 3.1000
Soft Matter Soft Matter 1744-683X 856 2.9997 2.6002 2.8997
Plasma Processes and Polymers Plasma Process Polym 1612-8850 120 3.3000 2.5000 2.8997
Express Polymer Letters Express Polym Lett 1788-618X 84 2.8002 2.5000 2.7001
Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics [更名/剔除] J Polym Sci Pol Phys 0887-6266 0 2.8092 3.1513 3.1513

