

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
CA-A Cancer Journal for Clinicians [更名/剔除] Ca-Cancer J Clin 0007-9235 25 296.9946 502.8012 503.1048
New England Journal of Medicine [更名/剔除] New Engl J Med 0028-4793 300 94.3020 95.6007 96.1978
Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning [更名/剔除] Found Trends Mach Le 1935-8237 6 70.7987 65.2999 65.2999
JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association [更名/剔除] Jama-J Am Med Assoc 0098-7484 236 66.7999 62.1980 63.1018
Nature Medicine [更名/剔除] Nat Med 1078-8956 295 59.2004 58.1000 58.7006
Chemical Reviews [更名/剔除] Chem Rev 0009-2665 219 63.5021 50.8010 51.4000
Cancer Cell [更名/剔除] Cancer Cell 1535-6108 120 42.1006 47.9984 48.7992
Reviews of Modern Physics [更名/剔除] Rev Mod Phys 0034-6861 35 52.0999 45.7982 45.8981
Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology [更名/剔除] Nat Rev Gastro Hepat 1759-5045 55 65.1006 45.5988 45.8981
Cell [更名/剔除] Cell 0092-8674 332 48.9998 45.0003 45.4993
Science [更名/剔除] Science 0036-8075 714 50.3006 44.3017 44.7011
Journal of Clinical Oncology [更名/剔除] J Clin Oncol 0732-183X 479 37.4004 41.0993 42.1006
Joule [更名/剔除] Joule 2542-4351 155 44.7994 38.0008 38.6008
Mmwr Surveillance Summaries [更名/剔除] Mmwr Surveill Summ 1545-8636 7 30.1994 37.2999 37.2999
Lancet Infectious Diseases [更名/剔除] Lancet Infect Dis 1473-3099 135 32.4007 35.9991 36.3996
Nature Methods [更名/剔除] Nat Methods 1548-7091 193 45.5988 35.1007 36.1006
Circulation [更名/剔除] Circulation 0009-7322 245 32.7005 34.7992 35.5010
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials [更名/剔除] Ieee Commun Surv Tut 1553-877X 81 33.9996 33.3987 34.4011
Nature Biotechnology [更名/剔除] Nat Biotechnol 1087-0156 167 56.8978 32.3002 33.1009
Nature Genetics [更名/剔除] Nat Genet 1061-4036 206 36.6010 30.7997 31.6985
Physiological Reviews [更名/剔除] Physiol Rev 0031-9333 71 45.0003 29.6011 29.9007
Cancer Discovery [更名/剔除] Cancer Discov 2159-8274 117 32.4007 29.4006 29.6988
Nature Reviews Rheumatology [更名/剔除] Nat Rev Rheumatol 1759-4790 51 30.5997 28.7989 29.4006
Nature Reviews Nephrology [更名/剔除] Nat Rev Nephrol 1759-5061 56 40.0017 28.3001 28.5993
Annual Review of Pathology-Mechanisms of Disease [更名/剔除] Annu Rev Pathol-Mech 1553-4006 22 35.2005 28.4005 28.4005
Nature Reviews Neurology [更名/剔除] Nat Rev Neurol 1759-4758 44 43.6998 27.9008 28.1999
Nature Immunology [更名/剔除] Nat Immunol 1529-2908 157 28.3001 27.2003 27.6999
Cell Metabolism [更名/剔除] Cell Metab 1550-4131 132 31.1994 27.3008 27.6999
Intensive Care Medicine [更名/剔除] Intens Care Med 0342-4642 80 24.0000 25.9002 27.1000
Annual Review of Immunology [更名/剔除] Annu Rev Immunol 0732-0582 23 31.9999 26.8007 26.9002
Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics [更名/剔除] Annu Rev Astron Astr 0066-4146 12 36.7003 26.1003 26.2988
Science Robotics [更名/剔除] Sci Robot 2470-9476 58 33.7014 25.7011 26.1003
Progress in Polymer Science [更名/剔除] Prog Polym Sci 0079-6700 50 29.5008 25.7011 26.0001
Gastroenterology [更名/剔除] Gastroenterology 0016-5085 165 25.2001 25.0997 25.7011
Immunity [更名/剔除] Immunity 1074-7613 165 33.2000 24.9995 25.5005
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics [更名/剔除] Annu Rev Fluid Mech 0066-4189 25 26.8007 25.0997 25.3992
Mmwr-Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report [更名/剔除] Mmwr-Morbid Mortal W 0149-2195 262 18.5003 24.5990 25.3992
Reviews of Geophysics [更名/剔除] Rev Geophys 8755-1209 18 32.5015 25.0997 25.2001
Advances in Optics and Photonics [更名/剔除] Adv Opt Photonics 1943-8206 14 25.8005 24.8996 25.2001
JAMA Pediatrics [更名/剔除] Jama Pediatr 2168-6203 96 20.4001 24.2003 24.7006
ACM Computing Surveys [更名/剔除] Acm Comput Surv 0360-0300 336 21.1001 23.3005 23.8009
Annual Review of Psychology [更名/剔除] Annu Rev Psychol 0066-4308 22 27.9008 23.4993 23.6004
Proceedings of the IEEE [更名/剔除] P Ieee 0018-9219 43 18.3997 23.1004 23.2003
JAMA Internal Medicine [更名/剔除] Jama Intern Med 2168-6106 98 22.4998 21.9003 22.4998
JAMA Psychiatry [更名/剔除] Jama Psychiat 2168-622X 128 22.2996 21.9991 22.4998
JAMA Oncology [更名/剔除] Jama Oncol 2374-2437 132 25.9002 22.1999 22.4998
Endocrine Reviews [更名/剔除] Endocr Rev 0163-769X 39 26.5009 21.9991 21.9991
Journal of the American College of Cardiology [更名/剔除] J Am Coll Cardiol 0735-1097 282 24.2003 20.7991 21.6990
Annual Review of Public Health [更名/剔除] Annu Rev Publ Health 0163-7525 23 25.7011 21.3000 21.3993
Annual Review of Plant Biology [更名/剔除] Annu Rev Plant Biol 1543-5008 28 28.1999 21.1001 21.3000

