IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials [更名/剔除]
Ieee Commun Surv Tut |
1553-877X |
81 |
33.9996 |
33.3987 |
34.4011 |
Proceedings of the IEEE [更名/剔除]
P Ieee |
0018-9219 |
43 |
18.3997 |
23.1004 |
23.2003 |
IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering [更名/剔除]
Ieee Rev Biomed Eng |
1937-3333 |
42 |
0.0000 |
17.0004 |
17.1995 |
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine [更名/剔除]
Ieee Geosc Rem Sen M |
2473-2397 |
28 |
15.6006 |
15.9004 |
16.2000 |
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Intell Vehicl |
2379-8858 |
384 |
11.2003 |
8.4001 |
13.9993 |
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications [更名/剔除]
Ieee J Sel Area Comm |
0733-8716 |
296 |
13.0992 |
13.0992 |
13.7998 |
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Evolut Comput |
1089-778X |
137 |
15.4997 |
10.2000 |
11.7002 |
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Ind Inform |
1551-3203 |
1360 |
11.3997 |
10.4002 |
11.7002 |
IEEE Wireless Communications [更名/剔除]
Ieee Wirel Commun |
1536-1284 |
132 |
11.1000 |
10.7997 |
10.8997 |
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Image Process |
1057-7149 |
480 |
12.1005 |
9.9995 |
10.7997 |
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Fuzzy Syst |
1063-6706 |
361 |
9.7004 |
9.2994 |
10.7004 |
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine [更名/剔除]
Ieee Comput Intell M |
1556-603X |
30 |
11.2003 |
9.9995 |
10.3005 |
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Neur Net Lear |
2162-237X |
1020 |
10.4002 |
8.9006 |
10.2000 |
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Affect Comput |
1949-3045 |
245 |
11.0003 |
8.4997 |
9.5998 |
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine [更名/剔除]
Ieee Signal Proc Mag |
1053-5888 |
86 |
17.9991 |
9.1005 |
9.4006 |
IEEE Transactions on Robotics [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Robot |
1552-3098 |
199 |
9.8996 |
9.0002 |
9.4006 |
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Cybernetics |
2168-2267 |
317 |
10.3005 |
8.6000 |
9.4006 |
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Med Imaging |
0278-0062 |
307 |
11.2997 |
8.4001 |
8.9006 |
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Wirel Commun |
1536-1276 |
666 |
8.6000 |
8.0000 |
8.9006 |
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing [更名/剔除]
Ieee J-Stsp |
1932-4553 |
83 |
8.4001 |
8.6000 |
8.6999 |
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Smart Grid |
1949-3053 |
394 |
9.5998 |
7.8996 |
8.6000 |
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Sustain Energ |
1949-3029 |
184 |
8.6000 |
8.1000 |
8.6000 |
IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Syst Man Cy-S |
2168-2216 |
584 |
8.6999 |
7.4996 |
8.6000 |
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Multimedia |
1520-9210 |
734 |
8.0000 |
6.6002 |
8.4001 |
IEEE Communications Magazine [更名/剔除]
Ieee Commun Mag |
0163-6804 |
199 |
9.4006 |
8.0000 |
8.3001 |
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Circ Syst Vid |
1051-8215 |
519 |
7.1000 |
6.2998 |
8.3001 |
IEEE Internet of Things Journal [更名/剔除]
Ieee Internet Things |
2327-4662 |
1670 |
9.0002 |
7.3003 |
8.1996 |
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Intell Transp |
1524-9050 |
1230 |
8.3001 |
6.7996 |
7.8996 |
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Ind Electron |
0278-0046 |
1826 |
8.0000 |
6.5005 |
7.4996 |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Geosci Remote |
0196-2892 |
2012 |
7.6001 |
5.3999 |
7.4996 |
IEEE Transactions on Big Data [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Big Data |
2332-7790 |
118 |
5.8000 |
7.2002 |
7.4996 |
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Cogn Commun |
2332-7731 |
121 |
6.9002 |
7.1000 |
7.4001 |
IEEE Transactions on Communications [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Commun |
0090-6778 |
502 |
6.2998 |
6.6002 |
7.2002 |
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Transp Electr |
2332-7782 |
420 |
7.8996 |
6.2998 |
7.2002 |
IEEE Network [更名/剔除]
Ieee Network |
0890-8044 |
186 |
8.4997 |
6.6002 |
6.7996 |
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics [更名/剔除]
Ieee J Biomed Health |
2168-2194 |
541 |
7.1000 |
6.2001 |
6.7000 |
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Power Electr |
0885-8993 |
1357 |
6.9002 |
5.1000 |
6.6002 |
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Power Syst |
0885-8950 |
496 |
7.4001 |
5.6998 |
6.5005 |
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Inf Foren Sec |
1556-6013 |
420 |
7.3003 |
5.5999 |
6.2998 |
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society [更名/剔除]
Ieee Open J Comm Soc |
2644-125X |
164 |
6.9002 |
5.9998 |
6.2998 |
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Automat Contr |
0018-9286 |
758 |
6.6002 |
5.6998 |
6.2001 |
IEEE-Asme Transactions on Mechatronics [更名/剔除]
Ieee-Asme T Mech |
1083-4435 |
443 |
6.2001 |
5.1000 |
6.1004 |
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Veh Technol |
0018-9545 |
1537 |
6.5005 |
5.3999 |
6.1004 |
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Autom Sci Eng |
1545-5955 |
567 |
5.9998 |
4.6000 |
5.9003 |
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine [更名/剔除]
Ieee Veh Technol Mag |
1556-6072 |
47 |
9.8003 |
5.6998 |
5.8000 |
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy [更名/剔除]
J Mod Power Syst Cle |
2196-5625 |
148 |
5.3999 |
5.0002 |
5.6998 |
IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society [更名/剔除]
Ieee Open J Comp Soc |
2644-1268 |
27 |
6.2998 |
5.5999 |
5.6998 |
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine [更名/剔除]
Ieee Ind Electron M |
1932-4529 |
38 |
7.4996 |
5.2999 |
5.5999 |
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine [更名/剔除]
Ieee Circ Syst Mag |
1531-636X |
24 |
5.2002 |
5.5002 |
5.5999 |
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement [更名/剔除]
Ieee T Instrum Meas |
0018-9456 |
2247 |
5.5999 |
4.2997 |
5.5999 |