Advances in Physics [更名/剔除]
Adv Phys |
0001-8732 |
4 |
41.2997 |
35.0011 |
35.0011 |
American Journal of Bioethics [更名/剔除]
Am J Bioethics |
1526-5161 |
33 |
12.3008 |
10.5006 |
17.0004 |
International Materials Reviews [更名/剔除]
Int Mater Rev |
0950-6608 |
13 |
18.7004 |
16.8008 |
16.8008 |
Autophagy [更名/剔除]
Autophagy |
1554-8627 |
142 |
16.8008 |
14.2006 |
14.6001 |
Educational Psychologist [更名/剔除]
Educ Psychol-Us |
0046-1520 |
17 |
15.1004 |
13.7998 |
14.2994 |
Gut Microbes [更名/剔除]
Gut Microbes |
1949-0976 |
307 |
12.3008 |
11.7002 |
12.2004 |
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management [更名/剔除]
J Hosp Market Manag |
1936-8623 |
67 |
11.2997 |
10.4002 |
11.9008 |
Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology [更名/剔除]
Crit Rev Env Sci Tec |
1064-3389 |
75 |
14.2994 |
11.2003 |
11.3997 |
Polymer Reviews [更名/剔除]
Polym Rev |
1558-3724 |
23 |
14.2006 |
10.8997 |
11.1000 |
International Journal of Transgender Health [更名/剔除]
Int J Transgend Heal |
2689-5269 |
64 |
8.6999 |
9.5998 |
10.5006 |
Virtual and Physical Prototyping [更名/剔除]
Virtual Phys Prototy |
1745-2759 |
137 |
10.2000 |
8.6999 |
10.2000 |
European Review of Social Psychology [更名/剔除]
Eur Rev Soc Psychol |
1046-3283 |
12 |
9.8996 |
9.9995 |
10.1001 |
Transport Reviews [更名/剔除]
Transport Rev |
0144-1647 |
50 |
11.5003 |
9.0002 |
9.4998 |
Catalysis Reviews-Science and Engineering [更名/剔除]
Catal Rev |
0161-4940 |
17 |
12.3008 |
9.2994 |
9.2994 |
Materials Research Letters [更名/剔除]
Mater Res Lett |
2166-3831 |
107 |
8.1996 |
8.1000 |
8.6000 |
Emerging Microbes & Infections [更名/剔除]
Emerg Microbes Infec |
2222-1751 |
227 |
8.3001 |
8.1996 |
8.4001 |
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing [更名/剔除]
J Travel Tour Mark |
1054-8408 |
51 |
8.4997 |
6.5005 |
8.1996 |
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences [更名/剔除]
Crit Rev Solid State |
1040-8436 |
20 |
10.3005 |
8.0000 |
8.1000 |
Critical Reviews in Biotechnology [更名/剔除]
Crit Rev Biotechnol |
0738-8551 |
64 |
9.5998 |
8.1000 |
8.1000 |
Qualitative Research in Sport Exercise and Health [更名/剔除]
Qual Res Sport Exerc |
2159-676X |
38 |
11.6000 |
7.6001 |
8.0000 |
Veterinary Quarterly [更名/剔除]
Vet Quart |
0165-2176 |
45 |
6.1004 |
7.8001 |
7.8996 |
Advances in Physics-X [更名/剔除]
Adv Phys-X |
2374-6149 |
27 |
8.1000 |
7.7002 |
7.7002 |
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials [更名/剔除]
Sci Technol Adv Mat |
1468-6996 |
59 |
7.8001 |
7.4001 |
7.4001 |
Service Industries Journal [更名/剔除]
Serv Ind J |
0264-2069 |
51 |
7.4996 |
6.2998 |
7.4001 |
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition [更名/剔除]
Crit Rev Food Sci |
1040-8398 |
462 |
10.3005 |
6.9997 |
7.3003 |
European Journal of Information Systems [更名/剔除]
Eur J Inform Syst |
0960-085X |
39 |
9.4998 |
6.9997 |
7.3003 |
Economic Geography [更名/剔除]
Econ Geogr |
0013-0095 |
21 |
11.1000 |
6.7996 |
7.2002 |
Psychological Inquiry [更名/剔除]
Psychol Inq |
1047-840X |
12 |
7.2002 |
7.1000 |
7.2002 |
International Journal of Production Research [更名/剔除]
Int J Prod Res |
0020-7543 |
331 |
8.3001 |
5.8000 |
6.9997 |
Journal of Sustainable Tourism [更名/剔除]
J Sustain Tour |
0966-9582 |
98 |
9.4998 |
6.2001 |
6.9002 |
Journal of the American Nutrition Association [更名/剔除]
J Am Nutr Assoc |
2769-7061 |
73 |
8.6999 |
6.7000 |
6.7996 |
International Journal of Optomechatronics [更名/剔除]
Int J Optomechatroni |
1559-9612 |
12 |
4.8003 |
6.2998 |
6.7000 |
Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences [更名/剔除]
Crit Rev Cl Lab Sci |
1040-8363 |
40 |
9.4006 |
6.6002 |
6.6002 |
Health Psychology Review [更名/剔除]
Health Psychol Rev |
1743-7199 |
19 |
9.1005 |
6.5005 |
6.6002 |
Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews [更名/剔除]
Biotechnol Genet Eng |
0264-8725 |
282 |
5.5999 |
5.9998 |
6.5005 |
Drug Delivery [更名/剔除]
Drug Deliv |
1071-7544 |
119 |
6.7000 |
6.3996 |
6.5005 |
International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology [更名/剔除]
Int J Sust Dev World |
1350-4509 |
62 |
5.2999 |
6.2998 |
6.5005 |
Oncoimmunology [更名/剔除]
Oncoimmunology |
2162-402X |
114 |
7.2002 |
6.2998 |
6.5005 |
Georisk-Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards [更名/剔除]
Georisk |
1749-9518 |
49 |
4.8003 |
5.1000 |
6.5005 |
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part B-Critical Reviews [更名/剔除]
J Toxicol Env Heal B |
1093-7404 |
18 |
8.6000 |
6.1004 |
6.3996 |
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology [更名/剔除]
Int Rev Sport Exer P |
1750-984X |
25 |
9.2003 |
5.9998 |
6.3996 |
Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture [更名/剔除]
Rev Fish Sci Aquac |
2330-8249 |
19 |
9.8003 |
6.2001 |
6.3996 |
Communication Methods and Measures [更名/剔除]
Commun Methods Meas |
1931-2458 |
29 |
12.3008 |
5.2999 |
6.2998 |
Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [更名/剔除]
Crit Rev Biochem Mol |
1040-9238 |
11 |
8.6000 |
6.2001 |
6.2001 |
Production Planning & Control [更名/剔除]
Prod Plan Control |
0953-7287 |
94 |
8.0000 |
5.1000 |
6.1004 |
Critical Reviews in Microbiology [更名/剔除]
Crit Rev Microbiol |
1040-841X |
45 |
8.0000 |
5.9003 |
5.9998 |
Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences [更名/剔除]
Crit Rev Plant Sci |
0735-2689 |
23 |
8.0000 |
5.9003 |
5.9998 |
Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery [更名/剔除]
Expert Opin Drug Dis |
1746-0441 |
103 |
6.6002 |
5.9003 |
5.9998 |
Giscience & Remote Sensing [更名/剔除]
Gisci Remote Sens |
1548-1603 |
104 |
7.3003 |
5.5999 |
5.9998 |
Computer Assisted Language Learning [更名/剔除]
Comput Assist Lang L |
0958-8221 |
55 |
6.7996 |
5.3999 |
5.9998 |