

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Nature Energy Nat Energy 2058-7546 108 63.8993 56.0983 56.6983
Joule Joule 2542-4351 139 44.7994 38.9996 39.7985
Energy & Environmental Science Energ Environ Sci 1754-5692 345 34.8985 31.8008 32.5015
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science Prog Energ Combust 0360-1285 35 35.8000 29.3007 29.5008
Advanced Energy Materials Adv Energy Mater 1614-6832 806 27.3008 26.6987 27.7989
ACS Energy Letters Acs Energy Lett 2380-8195 513 21.9003 20.8991 21.9991
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Renew Sust Energ Rev 1364-0321 987 16.8994 14.9998 15.9004
Green Energy & Environment Green Energy Environ 2096-2797 128 11.7002 12.7998 13.3003
Journal of Energy Chemistry J Energy Chem 2095-4956 553 11.6000 11.9996 13.0992
Journal of Materials Chemistry A J Mater Chem A 2050-7488 2085 11.6000 11.2997 11.9008
Bioresource Technology Bioresource Technol 0960-8524 1766 10.6002 9.2003 11.3997
Applied Energy Appl Energ 0306-2619 1760 11.0003 9.9995 11.2003
Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems Prot Contr Mod Pow 2367-2617 51 7.7002 10.1001 11.0003
Energy Conversion and Management Energ Convers Manage 0196-8904 1259 10.3005 9.2003 10.4002

