

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Circulation-Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology Circ-Arrhythmia Elec 1941-3149 51 7.8996 8.9006 9.1005
British Journal of Anaesthesia Brit J Anaesth 0007-0912 177 9.4998 8.3001 9.1005
Pharmacological Research Pharmacol Res 1043-6618 329 9.0002 8.9006 9.1005
Leadership Quarterly Leadership Quart 1048-9843 45 12.4002 7.8001 9.1005
Progress in Solid State Chemistry Prog Solid State Ch 0079-6786 16 7.8001 8.6999 9.1005
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Robot Cim-Int Manuf 0736-5845 144 8.9006 8.1000 9.1005
npj 2D Materials and Applications Npj 2d Mater Appl 2397-7132 72 10.7997 9.1005 9.1005
EMBO Molecular Medicine Embo Mol Med 1757-4676 112 11.0003 8.9006 9.0002
Thorax Thorax 0040-6376 99 8.4001 8.8005 9.0002
Journal of Internal Medicine J Intern Med 0954-6820 105 10.5006 8.9006 9.0002
Energy Energy 0360-5442 3478 8.1996 7.4996 9.0002
Renewable Energy Renew Energ 0960-1481 1599 8.1000 8.1996 9.0002
Journal of Biomedical Science J Biomed Sci 1021-7770 92 10.7004 8.9006 9.0002
Computers in Human Behavior Comput Hum Behav 0747-5632 371 9.4998 8.4997 9.0002
Cell Systems Cell Syst 2405-4712 73 11.1000 8.8005 9.0002
Current Forestry Reports Curr For Rep 2198-6436 31 11.3997 8.1996 9.0002
European Respiratory Review Eur Respir Rev 0905-9180 91 9.4998 8.8005 9.0002
American Journal of Transplantation Am J Transplant 1600-6135 176 6.7000 8.4997 8.9006
Organizational Research Methods Organ Res Methods 1094-4281 26 12.6999 8.6000 8.9006
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging Ieee T Med Imaging 0278-0062 307 11.2997 8.4001 8.9006
Annual Review of Sociology Annu Rev Sociol 0360-0572 22 12.7998 8.9006 8.9006
Computers & Education Comput Educ 0360-1315 139 11.6000 8.3001 8.9006
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications Ieee T Wirel Commun 1536-1276 666 8.6000 8.0000 8.9006
Journal of World Business J World Bus 1090-9516 41 9.2003 8.0000 8.9006
Environmental Science & Technology Letters Environ Sci Tech Let 2328-8930 155 9.8996 8.6000 8.9006
Current Opinion in Food Science Curr Opin Food Sci 2214-7993 90 8.8005 8.6999 8.9006
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Cochrane Db Syst Rev 1469-493X 296 9.8996 8.6000 8.8005
Astrophysical Journal Letters Astrophys J Lett 2041-8205 724 7.8001 8.1000 8.8005
Critical Care Crit Care 1466-609X 338 10.4002 8.3001 8.8005
Brain Behavior and Immunity Brain Behav Immun 0889-1591 263 9.8003 8.4997 8.8005
Reviews in Aquaculture Rev Aquacult 1753-5123 82 11.0003 8.1996 8.8005
Implementation Science Implement Sci 1748-5908 62 9.2003 8.1996 8.8005
Annual Review of Genetics Annu Rev Genet 0066-4197 19 14.8000 8.4997 8.6999
Molecular Aspects of Medicine Mol Aspects Med 0098-2997 61 12.9994 8.6000 8.6999
Progress in Surface Science Prog Surf Sci 0079-6816 7 6.9997 8.6000 8.6999
British Journal of Psychiatry Brit J Psychiat 0007-1250 55 9.1005 8.6000 8.6999
Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry J Neurol Neurosur Ps 0022-3050 163 9.4998 8.6000 8.6999
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Am J Obstet Gynecol 0002-9378 302 8.8005 8.1000 8.6999
Ultrasonics Sonochemistry Ultrason Sonochem 1350-4177 442 7.8996 7.4996 8.6999
Journal of Strategic Information Systems J Strategic Inf Syst 0963-8687 19 18.8997 8.1996 8.6999
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing Ieee J-Stsp 1932-4553 83 8.4001 8.6000 8.6999
Annual Review of Animal Biosciences Annu Rev Anim Biosci 2165-8102 15 10.4002 8.6999 8.6999
Materials Today Bio Mater Today Bio 2590-0064 377 8.8005 8.3001 8.6999
Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems Prot Contr Mod Pow 2367-2617 63 7.8996 8.0000 8.6999
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series Astrophys J Suppl S 0067-0049 332 9.1005 8.0000 8.6000
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Eur J Nucl Med Mol I 1619-7070 327 8.1996 7.8001 8.6000
Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions Global Environ Chang 0959-3780 111 10.5006 8.4001 8.6000
British Journal of Surgery Brit J Surg 0007-1323 189 8.6000 8.0000 8.6000
Journal of International Business Studies J Int Bus Stud 0047-2506 65 12.3008 7.6001 8.6000
Health Affairs Health Affair 0278-2715 153 7.7002 8.3001 8.6000

