

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 非自引分 - IFoid -
Nature Photonics Nat Photonics 1749-4885 116 38.2012 34.4011 35.0011
Lancet Public Health Lancet Public Health 2468-2667 82 37.8011 49.6008 49.9987
Journal of Clinical Oncology J Clin Oncol 0732-183X 340 37.5987 44.3017 45.3008
Nature Genetics Nat Genet 1061-4036 176 37.4004 29.9991 30.7997
Clinical Microbiology Reviews Clin Microbiol Rev 0893-8512 31 37.4004 36.6010 36.7998
Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy Signal Transduct Tar 2095-9907 210 37.1995 38.7002 39.3005
Immunity Immunity 1074-7613 141 36.3009 31.6985 32.4007
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science Prog Energ Combust 0360-1285 35 35.8000 29.3007 29.5008
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials Ieee Commun Surv Tut 1553-877X 72 35.8000 34.7002 35.6015
Mmwr Surveillance Summaries Mmwr Surveill Summ 1545-8636 11 35.6990 24.5990 24.8996
Annals of Internal Medicine Ann Intern Med 0003-4819 144 35.1007 38.5015 39.2001
Energy & Environmental Science Energ Environ Sci 1754-5692 345 34.8985 31.8008 32.5015
Cancer Discovery Cancer Discov 2159-8274 145 34.7002 27.7989 28.1999
Science Robotics Sci Robot 2470-9476 61 33.9996 24.3008 24.9995
Living Reviews in Relativity Living Rev Relativ 2367-3613 5 33.8990 40.3007 40.6012
Annual Review of Immunology Annu Rev Immunol 0732-0582 24 33.5015 29.5008 29.6988
Materials Science & Engineering R-Reports Mat Sci Eng R 0927-796X 17 33.2000 30.9000 31.0006
Circulation Circulation 0009-7322 258 33.2000 36.9993 37.8011
Molecular Cancer Mol Cancer 1476-4598 167 33.1009 36.3009 37.2999
Annual Review of Pathology-Mechanisms of Disease Annu Rev Pathol-Mech 1553-4006 23 32.7005 36.1990 36.1990
Electrochemical Energy Reviews Electrochem Energy R 2520-8489 33 32.5993 30.7997 31.3005
Annals of Oncology Ann Oncol 0923-7534 91 32.4007 49.9987 50.5012
Mmwr Recommendations and Reports Mmwr Recomm Rep 1057-5987 1 32.1999 33.7014 33.7014
Reviews of Geophysics Rev Geophys 8755-1209 23 31.5006 24.9995 25.2001
Lancet Global Health Lancet Glob Health 2214-109X 147 31.5006 33.8990 34.2996
European Heart Journal Eur Heart J 0195-668X 245 31.3990 36.6010 39.3005
Nature Climate Change Nat Clim Change 1758-678X 133 31.3990 30.1994 30.6996
Cell Metabolism Cell Metab 1550-4131 123 31.3005 28.5993 28.9995
Lancet Digital Health Lancet Digit Health 2589-7500 72 30.9000 30.3013 30.7997
Annual Review of Plant Biology Annu Rev Plant Biol 1543-5008 27 30.5000 23.8009 23.9003
Annual Review of Biochemistry Annu Rev Biochem 0066-4154 29 30.4005 16.6009 16.6009
Psychological Bulletin Psychol Bull 0033-2909 30 30.3013 22.1999 22.3995
Advanced Materials Adv Mater 0935-9648 1894 30.1994 28.1999 29.4006
JAMA Oncology Jama Oncol 2374-2437 147 29.9007 27.9008 28.4005
Nature Immunology Nat Immunol 1529-2908 136 29.6011 29.7996 30.5000
Progress in Polymer Science Prog Polym Sci 0079-6700 43 29.4006 26.8007 27.1000
Nature Biomedical Engineering Nat Biomed Eng 2157-846X 118 29.3007 27.7989 28.1000
Nature Sustainability Nat Sustain 2398-9629 107 29.2010 27.3008 27.6011
Nature Reviews Rheumatology Nat Rev Rheumatol 1759-4790 50 29.0987 33.3987 33.7014
Annual Review of Psychology Annu Rev Psychol 0066-4308 29 28.9995 24.5990 24.8000
Physics Reports-Review Section of Physics Letters Phys Rep 0370-1573 53 28.7004 29.7996 29.9991
Academy of Management Annals Acad Manag Ann 1941-6520 23 28.5993 20.8991 21.2010
Materials Today Mater Today 1369-7021 147 28.3001 23.9003 24.2003
Astronomy and Astrophysics Review Astron Astrophys Rev 0935-4956 8 27.6999 25.5993 25.8005
Nature Neuroscience Nat Neurosci 1097-6256 150 27.6999 24.7006 24.9995
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior Annu Rev Organ Psych 2327-0608 17 27.4999 13.3999 13.7000
Annual Review of Public Health Annu Rev Publ Health 0163-7525 52 27.3988 20.5011 20.7991
Advanced Energy Materials Adv Energy Mater 1614-6832 806 27.3008 26.6987 27.7989
JAMA Internal Medicine Jama Intern Med 2168-6106 83 27.3008 38.5015 38.9996
Nature Machine Intelligence Nat Mach Intell 2522-5839 114 27.2003 23.3005 23.8009

