

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Mammal Review Mammal Rev 0305-1838 30 5.2999 4.1998 4.2997
Journal of Drug Targeting J Drug Target 1061-186X 69 4.6000 4.2997 4.2997
Journal of Nutrition Health & Aging J Nutr Health Aging 1279-7707 135 4.7003 4.0998 4.2997
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences Philos T R Soc A 1364-503X 262 4.2997 4.2997 4.2997
Comprehensive Psychiatry Compr Psychiat 0010-440X 76 4.7003 4.1998 4.2997
Materials Chemistry and Physics Mater Chem Phys 0254-0584 1453 4.0998 4.0998 4.2997
Hypertension Research Hypertens Res 0916-9636 230 4.0000 2.8997 4.2997
Intermetallics Intermetallics 0966-9795 258 4.1998 4.0998 4.2997
Environmental Reviews Environ Rev 1208-6053 50 5.9003 4.0998 4.2997
World Journal of Gastroenterology World J Gastroentero 1007-9327 411 5.1000 4.1998 4.2997
Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey Obstet Gynecol Surv 0029-7828 30 3.9003 4.0998 4.2997
Journal of Urban Health-Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine J Urban Health 1099-3460 98 4.5003 4.1998 4.2997
Indoor Air Indoor Air 0905-6947 41 4.9000 4.1998 4.2997
Machine Learning Mach Learn 0885-6125 164 5.8000 4.1998 4.2997
International Journal of Energy Research Int J Energ Res 0363-907X 324 4.5003 4.1998 4.2997
Diamond and Related Materials Diam Relat Mater 0925-9635 976 3.9003 3.8001 4.2997
Spectrochimica Acta Part A-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy Spectrochim Acta A 1386-1425 1279 3.8001 3.8001 4.2997
Journal of Monetary Economics J Monetary Econ 0304-3932 74 5.2999 4.0998 4.2997
Archiv Der Pharmazie Arch Pharm 0365-6233 160 4.3997 4.0998 4.2997
International Journal of Geographical Information Science Int J Geogr Inf Sci 1365-8816 79 5.2002 4.0000 4.2997
IEEE Sensors Journal Ieee Sens J 1530-437X 3190 4.1998 3.5000 4.2997
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics Earthq Eng Struct D 0098-8847 239 4.7003 3.5999 4.2997
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids J Phys Chem Solids 0022-3697 543 3.7001 4.0998 4.2997
Journal of Sound and Vibration J Sound Vib 0022-460X 478 4.2997 3.9003 4.2997
Robotics and Autonomous Systems Robot Auton Syst 0921-8890 174 4.3997 4.0998 4.2997
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry J Prosthet Dent 0022-3913 323 4.3997 3.8001 4.2997
Public Administration Public Admin 0033-3298 56 4.3997 4.0000 4.2997
Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics J Non-Equil Thermody 0340-0204 31 2.8997 3.5999 4.2997
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics Ieee T Consum Electr 0098-3063 108 3.9003 3.3000 4.2997
Journal of Democracy J Democr 1045-5736 46 5.1000 4.0998 4.2997
Journal of Pest Science J Pest Sci 1612-4758 124 4.7003 4.0000 4.2997
Applied Ocean Research Appl Ocean Res 0141-1187 308 4.0998 4.0000 4.2997
Policy and Politics Policy Polit 0305-5736 34 4.1998 4.0000 4.2997
Journal of Geographical Sciences J Geogr Sci 1009-637X 122 5.2002 3.9003 4.2997
Biological Research Biol Res 0716-9760 63 6.6002 4.1998 4.2997
Gut Pathogens Gut Pathog 1757-4749 62 4.6000 4.2997 4.2997
Cognitive Computation Cogn Comput 1866-9956 137 4.0000 4.0998 4.2997
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research Asia Pac J Tour Res 1094-1665 82 4.3997 3.8001 4.2997
Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts Environ Sci-Proc Imp 2050-7887 159 5.0002 4.0998 4.2997
Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology Ther Adv Med Oncol 1758-8340 194 4.9000 4.1998 4.2997
Social Psychological and Personality Science Soc Psychol Pers Sci 1948-5506 83 4.8003 4.1998 4.2997
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine Ieee Intel Transp Sy 1939-1390 75 4.3997 3.8001 4.2997
Advanced Materials Interfaces Adv Mater Interfaces 2196-7350 588 5.2002 4.2997 4.2997
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Cogn Behav Therapy 1650-6073 39 4.8003 4.1998 4.2997
Animal Health Research Reviews Anim Health Res Rev 1466-2523 8 3.7001 4.1998 4.2997
Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering Front Chem Sci Eng 2095-0179 139 4.0998 3.9003 4.2997
International Small Business Journal-Researching Entrepreneurship Int Small Bus J 0266-2426 21 6.3996 4.0998 4.2997
Immune Network Immune Netw 1598-2629 44 5.5999 4.0000 4.2997
Virologica Sinica Virol Sin 1674-0769 84 4.2997 4.0000 4.2997
Advances in Nano Research Adv Nano Res 2287-237X 94 4.6000 3.3000 4.2997

