

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Environment International Environ Int 0160-4120 618 11.1000 9.8996 10.3005
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine Ieee Comput Intell M 1556-603X 30 11.2003 9.9995 10.3005
JACC-Heart Failure Jacc-Heart Fail 2213-1779 109 12.1005 9.7004 10.3005
Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer J Immunother Cancer 2051-1426 417 11.6000 9.9995 10.3005
Additive Manufacturing Addit Manuf 2214-8604 532 12.4002 9.4006 10.3005
Natural Product Reports Nat Prod Rep 0265-0568 64 11.2003 9.8003 10.2000
Cardiovascular Research Cardiovasc Res 0008-6363 123 10.6002 9.9995 10.2000
Journal of Supply Chain Management J Supply Chain Manag 1523-2409 13 10.2000 9.5998 10.2000
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems Ieee T Neur Net Lear 2162-237X 1020 10.4002 8.9006 10.2000
Virtual and Physical Prototyping Virtual Phys Prototy 1745-2759 137 10.2000 8.6999 10.2000
Fems Microbiology Reviews Fems Microbiol Rev 0168-6445 59 13.3999 9.9995 10.1001
Genome Biology Genome Biol 1474-760X 273 16.4996 9.8003 10.1001
Environmental Health Perspectives Environ Health Persp 0091-6765 182 10.3005 9.4998 10.1001
Plant Biotechnology Journal Plant Biotechnol J 1467-7644 239 11.6000 9.8003 10.1001
Applied Energy Appl Energ 0306-2619 1703 10.4002 9.1005 10.1001
American Journal of Hematology Am J Hematol 0361-8609 174 10.1001 9.4998 10.1001
Educational Psychology Review Educ Psychol Rev 1040-726X 108 12.5001 9.2994 10.1001
Journal of Product Innovation Management J Prod Innovat Manag 0737-6782 58 12.9002 8.6000 10.1001
European Review of Social Psychology Eur Rev Soc Psychol 1046-3283 12 9.8996 9.9995 10.1001
Engineering Engineering-Prc 2095-8099 134 11.6000 9.8996 10.1001
Technology in Society Technol Soc 0160-791X 222 9.5998 9.4006 10.1001
Plant Cell Plant Cell 1040-4651 202 11.1000 9.5998 9.9995
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment Front Ecol Environ 1540-9295 55 12.3008 9.8996 9.9995
Clinical Cancer Research Clin Cancer Res 1078-0432 467 11.1000 9.8003 9.9995
Advanced Healthcare Materials Adv Healthc Mater 2192-2640 1004 11.2997 9.4998 9.9995
Mycosphere Mycosphere 2077-7000 31 9.0002 8.3001 9.9995
Materials Today Physics Mater Today Phys 2542-5293 339 9.8003 9.2994 9.9995
Family Business Review Fam Bus Rev 0894-4865 17 11.7002 9.1005 9.8996
Energy Conversion and Management Energ Convers Manage 0196-8904 1183 9.8003 8.6999 9.8996
Journal of Econometrics J Econometrics 0304-4076 289 6.7000 9.2994 9.8996
International Journal of Hospitality Management Int J Hosp Manag 0278-4319 192 10.3005 9.0002 9.8996
JNCI-Journal of the National Cancer Institute Jnci-J Natl Cancer I 0027-8874 183 10.5006 9.5998 9.8996
Laser & Photonics Reviews Laser Photonics Rev 1863-8880 484 11.1000 9.2003 9.8003
Soil Biology & Biochemistry Soil Biol Biochem 0038-0717 254 10.4002 9.1005 9.8003
International Journal of Production Economics Int J Prod Econ 0925-5273 282 10.3005 8.8005 9.8003
Environmental Impact Assessment Review Environ Impact Asses 0195-9255 314 8.4997 8.1000 9.8003
Global Food Security-Agriculture Policy Economics and Environment Glob Food Secur-Agr 2211-9124 59 10.3005 9.4998 9.8003
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Reviews on Cancer Bba-Rev Cancer 0304-419X 161 11.2003 9.5998 9.7004
Bioresource Technology Bioresource Technol 0960-8524 1433 9.4006 8.1996 9.7004
Annual Review of Political Science Annu Rev Polit Sci 1094-2939 25 14.2006 9.5998 9.7004
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering Arch Comput Method E 1134-3060 161 9.8996 9.2994 9.7004
Journal of Cleaner Production J Clean Prod 0959-6526 4412 10.2000 9.0002 9.7004
Journal of Physiotherapy J Physiother 1836-9553 25 10.3005 8.6000 9.7004
Journal of Sport and Health Science J Sport Health Sci 2095-2546 66 9.2003 9.2994 9.7004
EBioMedicine Ebiomedicine 2352-3964 429 9.2003 9.5998 9.7004
Molecular Psychiatry Mol Psychiatr 1359-4184 351 11.1000 9.2003 9.5998
Nano Letters Nano Lett 1530-6984 1539 10.1001 9.2003 9.5998
Biological Psychiatry Biol Psychiat 0006-3223 169 10.7997 9.2994 9.5998
Cancer Treatment Reviews Cancer Treat Rev 0305-7372 87 10.8997 9.4998 9.5998
American Journal of Public Health Am J Public Health 0090-0036 101 10.1001 9.4006 9.5998

